Our Learning Experts



After 30 years of designing and implementing all types of learning programs, Big Thought has some great experts who love to share their key learnings and knowledge from our journey. If you’re a reporter writing a story, an author writing a book or a producer who is doing a podcast and you need an education expert, you’ve come to the right place.

Meet our spokespeople and read their bios to see their areas of expertise.

Byron Sanders
Byron Sanders

President and CEO

Email Byron Sanders

Greg MacPherson
Greg MacPherson

Chief Big Thought Institute Officer

Email Greg MacPherson

Erin Offord
Erin Offord

Chief of Staff

Email Erin Offord

LeAnn Binford
LeAnn Binford

Director of Consulting Services, Big Thought Institute

Email LeAnn Binford

Lela Bell Wesley
Lela Bell Wesley

Director of Professional Learning

Email Lela Bell Wesley

Press Office

Thanks for staying up to date with all things Big Thought. We’re honored that we get to help close the opportunity gap by equipping all youth in marginalized communities with the skills and tools they need to imagine and create their best lives and a better world.

If you’d like to learn more about our work or share stories of our impact, please utilize the following resources.

Download the press kit.